Guest Reviewers

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kids, we want to hear what you think about what you are reading. Write a review of a book that you've read recently and we'll post it here on The Wild Rumpus. You can see your review online and find out what other kids are reading. To start us off we have some reviews from our teen Book Buddies.

The Cow that Laid and Egg by Andy Cutbill
The Cow That Laid and Egg introduces a curious question: what makes someone a mother. Is it the person who is biologicaly related, or the person who carefully nurtures the child with love? The story ultimately determines that appearances do not matter but actions do. On a less philosophical note, The Cow That Laid an Egg is quite entertaining. While I read, I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. Would the egg hatch into a chicken or a cow? Would Marjorie the cow have a happy ending? Despite the fact that I still cannot figure out how a chick developed such unusual vocal organs, I had an extremely positive reading experience . Read it to find out what happens! (Picture Book)
Guest Reviewer: Emily

How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague
I thought that this book was really cute for little kids when it's their bedtime. What I loved most about it were the pictures. They were very colorful. Another thing I liked about the book was that it was fun, but at the same time, it was informative because on every page there was a different dinosaur and the name of the dinosaur was written in the picture. The book also taught a message about good behavior. (Picture Book)
Guest Reviewer: Kelly

The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
I remember reading this book when I was young. I really enjoyed it. The cover pops out at you with the cool, shiny scales on the fish. It also has a great message. The rainbow fish was the most beautiful fish in the sea because of its amazing colored scales. Sadly, the rainbow fish became very lonely. He did not want to play with anyone. He just wanted to show off and when another fish wanted to have just one scale from the rainbow fish, he had too much pride and wouldn't give any. So he has to learn to share and that there are more important things than beauty. (Picture Book)
Guest Reviewer: Jennifer
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